Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2013

"delices de Magdaléne"

Diese Woche stand in unserem Atelier die persönliche Endkontrolle unserer frisch eingetroffener Serie "delices de Marie" aus unserer Produktionsstädte in Polen an. Gleichzeitig gingen die fertigen Schnitte und Materialien für die nächste Serie zur Produktion.

This week we checked the quality of our range "delices de Marie" which arrived last Saturday from our production in Poland. On the same day the collection arrived we handed over the material for the next range which will be produced.

delices de Marie

delices de Magdalene

a big bunge of patterns
lots of fabric
our samples 

Und hier ist eine kleine Vorschau der mit unserem Stammodel:
And here you have a little preview presented on our signature model:

Freitag, 11. Oktober 2013

Shoot with COEVAL and Evilla D Ark

Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit befreundeten und ausgewählten Models und Fotografen entstehen bezaubernde Bilderreihen von unseren Dessous.
Diese schöne Serie verdanken wir der Fotografin Daniela Schönewald - COEVAL
und dem Model Evilla D Ark.

From time to time we cooporate with various well chosen models and photographers. Here you can see the whole series from beautiful Evilla D Ark and talented photographer Daniela Schönewald - COEVAL
Thanks to the team who took part in the photoshooting, we love the results!

Montag, 7. Oktober 2013

Mode City / Salon international de la Lingerie (english)

This week we registered for Salon international de la Lingerie.
„SIL“ is he lingerie trade fair in Paris. Luckily we still caught quite a good place on the map.

After Paris everyone ask us thousands of questions. We would love to answer them all but it’s just too much. So we decided to do this blog post. Brand’s holder Scarlett is also working as a guest lecturer for lingerie and because most students are also very interested in the fairs this might also be interesting  for small brands or people who want to launch one.

Part I – Arrival and setting up

Hooray, Help and Yeehaw: Trade fair.
Onto the plane and from Berlin to Paris!
It is indeed fabulous that all our samples are small, fragile and featherlight. They all fit into a single vintage Vuitton suitcase. Besides the cellphone I couldn’t live without (social media addiction: facebook & pinterest) this suitcase is the the best guarded piece of luggag. And as long as I don’t have to I won’t give it into somebody elses hands. Clothing etc. can be bought or borrowed... A new collection not.

Unfortunately we have to bring much more than our samples. And that stuff turns out to be unhandy and heavy. We always rent our hangers and one dummy. We bring a second one. And advertisement diyplays, postcards, lookbooks, pricelists, diverse things from our bureau, a steamer... I’ve been schlepping the things via airplane for three fairs... and it is not really fun. Last time I sent a big parcel to my friended Britta Uschkamp who is a lingerie designer as well and does lovely playful lingerie in Paris. It was worth every cent and I am really happy the agreed to receive our parcel. So... once again: Thank you Britta!

The lingrie fair in Paris offers a good booth system for young designers. You get something like a big closet. However, every time you arrive at the expo it makes you go „Eeeeew!“, because it’s so dirty and dusty. Of course I totally surpress the memory each time and end up cleaning it with handkerchiefs and all fabric-made things that may get dirty... I already requested to my lovly assisant to remind me to buy polish.

The night before „Le Salon international de la Lingerie ouvre les portes" (to quote every morning’s announcement) our booth looks like this when we receive it. Fancy, huh?

Of course all samples are messed up after the transport, so you have to iron them with lots of love. – And because ironing undies can be compared to punishement, we decided for our third fair to invest into a steamer. (Better late then never! And it was the best decision ever!) It looks a little bit like a laser canon from Star Trek. Only that it releases hot steam.
Oh and yet another thing we have learned: The screws on the spots tend to be working not so good. 

In the eveing it’s usuall very nice at the Seine. During daytime as well. But we keep spending our time on the Expo. ;)

In Part II we will show you a little bit from the expo itself.

your liw-team

PS: Usually our lovely assistant Rina does the blog. But she wasn’t around last time in Paris, and  so this excerpt was written by me, Scarlett.